PARENTS! It Takes a Village....

We like to say at Metea Valley Theater that it takes a village to make a show possible, everything from the tech, actors, audience, and PARENTS! Please reach-out and contact us HERE and let us know you are willing to be part of our village here at Metea Valley Theater! Thank you so much for your time and consideration!

We are looking for parents who would like to be involved in helping make our goals and dreams happen each and every season. If you are someone who wants to get involved by joining our parent board and help throughout the entirety of the season, or simply wants to help out for a day or the weekend of the show,  any amount of your time is appreciated and helpful! Our parent board has traditionally helped with coordinating ticket sales, assisting with opening night decorations, developing fundraising opportunities, tech week meals, concessions, working closely with the show directors, and any innovations we believe can help make our student experience that much more! If you there was anything in that list you felt you could help with, even for a little bit of time, do not hesitate to contact us about getting involved!